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Products Heat exchange
Heat exchange
Domestic Hot Water
Heating/chilled water
Dirt separators
Almost all industrial processes, and part of the civil processes, involve transformations in the form of heat production and exchange.

The function of a heat exchanger is to transfer the temperature of a fluid to another fluid, which will therefore be heated or cooled according to usage needs.

The heat exchange takes place through the individual plates of the exchanger, without any mixing between the two fluids.

Pacetti plate heat exchangers are available in a wide range, in two different types:
The main uses of plate heat exchangers both in the civil and industrial sectors, are:
HVAC Mechanical industry Hydraulics industry
Refrigeration Textile industry District heating
Chemical industry Processing industry Naval industry
Petrochemical Steel mills Food processing industry
Pacetti srl - via Marconi, 240-242 - 44122 Ferrara - Italy
Tel. +39-0532-774066 - Fax +39-0532-773835
Email: info@pacetti.it     Certified email address: pacetti@legalmail.it

VAT number: 01150780383

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