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Customised solutions
Pacetti offers its customers the experience gathered in over 50 years of activity to set up, in addition to series products, ad hoc solutions to specific design needs.

Indeed there are many differences in the various types of heat systems available, whether of a technical nature, or dimensional, or even just aesthetic, for all of which reasons it is often necessary to adapt our product to requirements of every kind.

The flexibility and dynamism that we are known for mean that we can offer, as supplier, an all-round standard and customised solution, with a guarantee of high quality and efficiency.

The advantages for the customer are that it can obtain, at modest prices and quickly, a made-to-measure product built with craftsman-like ability and knowhow but with a quality and service level worthy of a modern and well-organised company.
Pacetti srl - via Marconi, 240-242 - 44122 Ferrara - Italy
Tel. +39-0532-774066 - Fax +39-0532-773835
Email: info@pacetti.it     Certified email address: pacetti@legalmail.it

VAT number: 01150780383

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